Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. If you require additional information regarding water & sewer bills contact the Municipality at 204-878-3321 ext 114 or email .

Our office does not update utility accounts when a residence is rented out. All utility bills will continue to be sent to the landlord/property manager; therefore, we are not required to be notified when a change of tenancy takes place. 

Yes, if you are selling/purchasing a residence within the Town of Landmark or Lorette, you must submit a water meter reading, please click here to submit what is required.

There are a couple of tests you can run yourself before calling the Municipality:

On the face of the meter where the numbers are located, there is a separate dial with either a red line or a red triangle in it. This red line/triangle is called a water flow indicator. If you are not running any water in the house and you check the water flow indicator, it should not be moving. If it IS moving, it means there is water flowing through the meter and out somewhere in the house – either a leaky tap or toilet.

To check your toilet for leaks, before you go to bed at night put a few drops of food coloring in the tank at the back of the toilet. Do not flush the toilet overnight. In the morning, check the bowl of the toilet. If the colored water is now in the bowl, you know there has been water leaking from the tank into the bowl. You need to get this repaired in order to reduce your water usage.

Dripping taps are usually quite obvious and often are a simple fix. Replacement of washers or other small parts may solve the problem.

You can keep track of your usage by taking daily readings for a few days. Take the readings at the same time of the day for 2 or 3 days in a row to see what your average consumption is over a 24 hour period. Abnormal readings could indicate leaks and money down the drain if they are not repaired.

** Note: 1 cubic meter = 1000 litres = 220.1 gallons

Click on this link To view the examples described above

To read your meter, shine a bright light (i.e. flashlight or cell phone flashlight), and the display will activate. The LCD display will first show a segment test, a configuration screen then the meter reading screen. Please view detailed instructions on how to read your meter HERE.

Pre-authorized debit means paying your water bills automatically from your bank account as they become due.

You will need to complete an application form requesting the pre-authorized debit payment plan.  

Please print off the form, complete the front, initial the back and attach a void cheque to your application.  

You can drop the form off at our office - 28007 Mun 52N, Dufresne, MB. R5K 0N7 Fax it to 204-878-9977, or scan and email it to .

Yes. You will continue to receive your water bill as usual. It will indicate the amount of money we will withdraw from your bank account. Automatic withdrawals will be taken from the account on the due date.

Yes. You can stop pre-authorized payment by giving us 10 days notice.

Yes. If you reside within the Local Improvement Districts of Landmark or Lorette and would like to be serviced by sewer and/or water, please contact our office to confirm qualification. To print a permit application please click HERE.