Zoning & Development Plan Amendments

A Zoning Amendment, or commonly known as a “Rezoning”, is the zone change of a particular property or properties to allow for uses that are not recognized within the current zone of a property or properties. A Zoning Amendment may also include changing the text of the Zoning By-law to alter a specific requirement that may not allow for a specific land use or building.  

The R.M. of Taché Zoning By-law contains a Main Use Table and Accessory Use Table that identifies uses as: Permitted ("P"), Conditional ("C") or Not Permitted ("-") within a specific zone. If a use is neither Permitted or Conditional in a zone, then that use is Not Permitted and a Zoning Amendment will be required.

Zoning By-law Amendment Application

Please fill-out the form and submit along with supporting documents (letter of intent and site plan) to planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca.  

If you are have any questions, please call Johanne at 204-878-3321 ext. 111

50% of the Application Fee ($1,000.00) is required to be paid once the application is complete. Below are the following types of payment accepted:

1.) Cash (Pay at the R.M. Office)

2.) Cheque (Pay at, or mail to, the R.M. Office)

3.) Debit (Pay at the R.M. Office)

4.) E-transfer (Send to reception@rmtache.ca and in the message field write "planning")

An invoice will be mailed to the property owner for the remaining balance ($1,000.00) if the application goes to Public Hearing. Invoices can be paid by any of the payment options above.

A Development Plan Amendment, or commonly known as a “Redesignation”, is the designation area change of a particular property or properties to allow for land uses that are not supported in the development plan policies for a designated area.

The R.M. of Taché Development Plan contains maps showing the designated area that each property is located in. If a proposed type of land use is not supported by the development Plan policies in a particular designation, then a Development Plan Amendment will be required to change the designation. 

Development Plan Amendment Application

Please fill-out the form and submit along with supporting documents (letter of intent and site plan) to planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca.  

If you are have any questions, please call Johanne at 204-878-3321 ext. 111

50% of the Application Fee ($1,500.00) is required to be paid once the application is complete. Below are the following types of payment accepted:

1.) Cash (Pay at the R.M. Office)

2.) Cheque (Pay at, or mail to, the R.M. Office)

3.) Debit (Pay at the R.M. Office)

4.) E-transfer (Send to reception@rmtache.ca and in the message field write "planning")

An invoice will be mailed to the property owner for the remaining balance ($1,500.00) if the application goes to Public Hearing. Invoices can be paid by any of the payment options above.

The Planning Committee is comprised of members of Council and the LUD Committees of Lorette and Landmark. The Planning Committee review applications for Development Plan By-law Amendments. They will review the proposals prior to, or after, a formal application has been made.

Note: Every application will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and Administration may require an application not listed above to be reviewed by the Planning Committee to provide recommendation to Council.