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Recreation Program Support

 Tache Everyone Can Play

 The Tache Everyone Can Play program is a fee subsidy program that provides Tache residents with lower annual incomes (see information below), the necessary funds to register for recreation programs in Tache (up to 50% of total program fees). Tache believes that participation in recreation programs builds not only healthy residents but healthy communities while enhancing the overall quality of life.

Program Guidelines

Tache Everyone Can Play Application - Accepted on an ongoing basis 

This program is made possible with the support from Lorette Thrifty Treasures 

Sport Manitoba-Eastman Region
The KidSport program is a national charity that is administered in Manitoba by Sport Manitoba. KidSport believes that no kids should be left on the sidelines and all should be given the opportunity to experience the positive benefits of organized sports. The program provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sports.
For more information on the KidSport program please feel free to call the office at 268-2172 or toll free @ 1-866-774-2220
The Eastman Region will be accepting KidSport Applications 4 times per year. Deadlines are: January 15th, April 15th, July 15th and October 15th.