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Development Permits

A Development Permit is a permit issued under the zoning by-law, authorizing development, and may include a building permit. Development Permits, issued by the Planning Department, are required for Permitted Principal and Accessory Land Uses. A "Permitted use", means the use of land, building or structure provided in this zoning by-law for which a development permit shall be issued upon an application having been made, if the use meets all the requirements of this by-law. Click on the tables below to see if a land use is permitted within a specific zone.

Table 4-4 Principal Use Table from the Zoning By-law

Table 3-5 Accessory Use Table from the Zoning By-law

Development Permits are required for Permitted Principal and Accessory Land Uses and Minor Development Permits may be applied for and issued for proposed development that does not require Municipal Department Circulation.

Development Permits are required for Permitted Principal and Accessory Land Uses and Major Development Permits may be applied for and issued for proposed development that does require Municipal Department Circulation. 

The R.M. of Taché Zoning By-law requires that no person shall undertake development that is subject to this by-law without first obtaining a development permit. Section 2.8.2 Development Permits in the By-law, outlines the exceptions where a Development Permit is not required. Click on Section 2.8.2 Development Permits below. 

Section 2.8.2 Development Permits

All applications for a Development Permit with the Planning Department must be submitted to the Development Officer.  

Development Permit Application - Multi-Unit Residential

Development Permit Application - Livestock Operation

Please contact the planning department by emailing or to request the appropriate development permit application form. 

Minor Development Permits = $100.00

Major Development Permits = $300.00 

1.) Cash (Pay at the R.M. Office)

2.) Cheque (Pay at, or mail to, the R.M. Office)

3.) Debit (Pay at the R.M. Office)

4.) E-Transfer (Send to and in the message field write "planning")