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Services for Seniors

Tache Senior Resources 

The RM of Tache's Senior Resource Coordinator, Laurie Campbell will be a resource in our communities for older adults looking to access information, referrals, and services.

Senior Resource Coordinator
Laurie Drysdale-Campbell
Phone: 204-230-2131
(Available Tues-Thurs)

Tache Senior Resources are looking for volunteers. Join our amazing team, who provide much needed resources to the seniors of Tache. For more information please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Seniors are the roots to our community.

Check out our FACEBOOK PAGE 

Le club les blés d'or de Lorette vous convoque à leur assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) le mardi, 7 juin 2022 à 14h au 1254, chemin Dawson. On espère vous voir en grand nombre. Pour renseignements, signalez 204 878 2682 et laissez un message.

Upcoming Programs

Coffee/Craft Group - Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month with June 18th being the last day, in Landmark at the Landmark Kinsmen Community Centre (191 Robert Koop Road) from 1:00PM - 3:00PM. All are welcome! $2.00 drop in fee.

Walking Group - Starting soon! Stay tuned for more details.

An Evening with "Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley" - Landmark Kinsmen Community Centre (191 Robert Koop Road). May 18th at 7:00PM. Doors open at 6:30PM. $15.00. Door prizes and coffee & dainties will be served.

Strength Circuit with Patricia - Thursdays from 1:30PM - 2:30PM, from April 4th to May 30th at the Landmark Kinsmen Community Centre (191 Robert Koop Road in Landmark). $90.00 for all 9 classes.

55+ Resistance Training with Live One Life Coaching - Wednesdays from 11:00AM - 12:00PM, from May 8th - June 26th at the Landmark Kinsmen Community Centre (191 Robert Koop Road in Landmark). $80.00 for all 8 classes. To enroll, email or call/text 204-299-2021.

Taché Coffee Klatsch - Every Thursday at 10:00AM at Dawson Trail Motor Inn

55+ Drop-in Yoga with Juliette - Gentle yet invigorating yoga for women and men of all shapes and sizes. Drop in when you can for $5 on Wednesdays 9:30 am - 10:30 am at the Lorette Community Complex from September to May. No experience needed, no commitment required. Contact Juliette at

Foot Care Clinics

Tache Senior Resources offers foot care clinics with a certified foot care nurse to help keep your feet healthy.
Clinics are available in Lorette and Landmark.

We would like to welcome and introduce you to our foot nurse, Annie Tran.  
Annie looks forward to meeting you.

Primary visits are $75. Returning visits are $65.
Cash or e-transfer are accepted at the time of service.

Please contact Annie at 204-960-2386 so she can book your appointment!

Additional Community Services 
The Lorette Neighborhood Helping Hands
Cassie Carriere
Ph: 204-781-7740