What is a Conditional Use?
A Conditional Use is a use of land or building that may be allowed under a Zoning By-law. Certain uses are deemed Conditional based on their unique characteristics that cannot properly be classified in any particular zone or zones without consideration of the impact of those uses upon neighbouring properties.
How do I know if I need a Conditional Use?
The R.M. of Taché Zoning By-law contains a Principal Use Table and Accessory Use Table that identifies Permitted ("P") and Conditional ("C") and Not Permitted ("-") with a specific zone. Click on the tables below.
How do I apply for a Conditional Use?
Please choose the appropriate application form above, fill-out and submit along with supporting documents (letter of intent and site plan) to planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca.
If you are unsure which application you require, please call Johanne at 204-878-3321 ext. 111
What is the Application Fee for a Conditional Use?
New Development = $250.00 + Mailing Costs
Existing/Non-Compliant Development = $500.00 + Mailing Costs
How do I pay the Conditional Use Application Fee?
1.) Cash (Pay at the R.M. Office)
2.) Cheque (Pay at, or mail to, the R.M. Office)
3.) Debit (Pay at the R.M. Office)
4.) E-Transfer (Send to reception@rmtache.ca and in the message field write "planning")
5.) Invoice (Issued the month the file goes to public hearing and can be paid by any of the methods listed above. Note: you must be the owner of the property)
Home Businesses
A “Home business” means non-offensive light manufacturing activities and small businesses that may be permitted as a second use, in addition to the principal use.
Conditional Use Application - Home Business
Please choose the appropriate application form above, fill-out and submit along with supporting documents (letter of intent and site plan) to planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca.
If you are unsure which application you require, please call Johanne at 204-878-3321 ext. 111
Secondary Suites
A “Secondary suite”, means a self-contained accessory dwelling unit located either within a permanent, detached, single-unit dwelling, or in an accessory building, on a single zoning site. A secondary suite contains a single housekeeping unit and has its own separate access, cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities which are separate from and not shared with those of the principal dwelling. This use does not include two-unit dwellings or multiple-unit dwellings.
Conditional Use Application - Secondary Suite
Please choose the appropriate application form above, fill-out and submit along with supporting documents (letter of intent and site plan) to planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca.
If you are unsure which application you require, please call Johanne at 204-878-3321 ext. 111
Aggregate Quarry
A “Resource extraction” (Aggregate Quarry), means the quarrying and/or extraction of surface or subsurface minerals and natural resources including aggregate, forestry products and peat moss.
Conditional Use Application - Aggregate Quarry
Please choose the appropriate application form above, fill-out and submit along with supporting documents (letter of intent and site plan) to planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca.
If you are unsure which application you require, please call Johanne at 204-878-3321 ext. 111
Expiry and Extension
Conditional Use Approvals expire after 1 year from Council’s decision. The Applicant may make an application to Council for an extension for 12 months (1 year), and if more time is needed, apply for a second extension for 12 months (1 year), see below.
Conditional Use Order Extension
Please choose the appropriate application form above, fill-out and submit along with supporting documents (letter of intent and site plan) to planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca.
If you are unsure which application you require, please call Johanne at 204-878-3321 ext. 111
Planning Committee Review
The Planning Committee is comprised of members of Council and the LUD Committees of Lorette and Landmark. The Planning Committee review applications for Conditional Uses for Multi-Unit Residential consisting of 10 or More Units, Commercial and Industrial Development. They will review the proposals prior to, or after, a formal application has been made.
Note: Every application will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and Administration may require an application not listed above to be reviewed by the Planning Committee to provide recommendation to Council.