What is a Variance Order?
A Variance Order is required to provide specific relief from provisions restricting minimum yards, building height, lot coverage, building floor space, site area, site width, land use, dwelling unit density or parking requirements within a specific zone.
What is a Minor Variance Order?
A Minor Variance Order is a Variance which allows to vary the minimum or maximum requirements of any height, distance, area, size or intensity, and number of parking spaces, of a zone within the bulk use table by no more than 15 percent.
Any Variance that exceeds 15 percent of the minimum or maximum requires must apply for a Major Variance Order which is reviewed by Council at the Regular Development & Planning Meetings (Public Hearing).
How do I know if I need a Variance Order?
The R.M. of Taché Zoning By-law contains a Bulk Use Requirement Table for every zone that contains the minimum or maximum requirements. Click on the tables below.
Table 4-2 Agriculture Zones Bulk Use Requirements from the Zoning By-law
Table 4-3 Commercial Zones Bulk Use Requirements from the Zoning By-law
Table 4-4 Residential Zones Bulk Use Requirements from the Zoning By-law
Table 4-5 Industrial Zone Bulk Use Requirements from the Zoning By-law
Table 4-6 Open Space & Table 4-7 Escarpment Area Zones Bulk Use Requirements from the Zoning By-law
Table 4-8 Village Zone Bulk Use Requirements from the Zoning By-law
How do I apply for a Variance Order?
Minor Variance Order Application
Please choose the appropriate application form above, fill-out and submit along with supporting documents (letter of intent and site plan) to planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca.
If you are unsure which application you require, please call Johanne at 204-878-3321 ext. 111
What is the Application Fee for a Variance Order?
Minor Variance Orders
New Development = $100.00
Existing/Non-Compliant Development = $200.00
Major Variance Orders (Requiring a Public Hearing)
New Development = $250.00 + Mailing Costs
Existing/Non-Compliant Development = $500.00 + Mailing Costs
How do I pay the Variance Order Application Fee?
1.) Cash (Pay at the R.M. Office)
2.) Cheque (Pay at, or mail to, the R.M. Office)
3.) Debit (Pay at the R.M. Office)
4.) E-Transfer (Send to reception@rmtache.ca and in the message field write "planning")
5.) Invoice (Issued the month the file goes to public hearing and can be paid by any of the methods listed above. Note: you must be the owner of the property)
Expiry and Extension
Please contact the planning department by emailing planning@rmtache.ca or gillian@rmtache.ca to request the appropriate Variance Order application form.