Frequently Asked Questions - Curbside Garbage & Recycling Carts for Landmark & Lorette

Below are some of the frequently ask questions regarding the garbage and recycling carts that are used within the LUDs of Landmark and Lorette. If you are unable to find an answer to a question that you may have, please contact our office at 204-878-3321.

Carts must be placed at ground level on a flat surface near the edge of the curb or at the end of your driveway, not on the street, with the wheels and handles facing the dwelling. Carts are to be out on collection day by 7AM, placed on opposite sides of the driveway or a minimum of 3 feet apart, if possible.  

The black cart is intended for household garbage only and must be properly broken down and contained within plastic garbage bags. Bags of garbage should be placed loosely inside the carts. Forcing items in or packing the cart too tightly may result in materials getting stuck and being left behind. It is not the Contractor's responsibility to remove materials by hand from the carts. 

Recyclable materials must be placed inside the carts loosely. Forcing items in or packing items in your cart too tightly makes it difficult for the cart to be emptied and may result in items being left inside. The Contractor is not responsible to remove items from the cart by hand. 

Shredded paper is the only material that must be contained within a clear/blue recycling bag and placed into the cart. 

Recycling carts will not be emptied should they contain garbage or contaminants. CLICK HERE to view a listing of acceptable recyclable materials.

Excess bags of garbage that are beyond the capacity of the cart must be identified with a clearly visible bag tag (which can be purchased at the Municipal office at a cost of $2.00) and must be securely tied and placed beside the cart for collection.

Additional recyclable materials that are beyond the capacity of the cart will be collected if placed in clear plastic bags, securely tied and placed beside the cart.

Each cart is identified with a serial number and has been assigned to a specific address. Carts are the property of the Municipality and must remain with the assigned property.

To request maintenance for broken or damaged carts, please call 204-878-3321 or email .

Carts should be stored in a secure location within your property boundary such as a garage, backyard, outdoor storage unit, porch or balcony. Carts must not be stored on the road or within municipal right-of-way.

Carts may be cleaned with soap and water or vinegar and emptied onto grass or gravel. Do not drain into storm drains. To help absorb odours, sprinkle baking soda, vanilla extract, tea tree oil or lavender inside the carts.